Raincoats for Rape

Nine Weeks
5 min readSep 16, 2021

Think of a major worldwide problem: for example, hunger, climate change, or political corruption. Write an article outlining a solution (or steps toward a solution).

a raincoat to save you from rape

The world has finally set its foot into the era of equality. From wages to promotions, to marriage to responsibilities, everything has been equally divided among all genders. But as Myron Scholes said, every side of the coin has another side. Individuals not only shared responsibilities equally, but the dangers that a particular gender once faced. The most obvious one would be rape. Rape is not something new. It has been happening since the day masculinity existed. Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is happening to all genders because masculinity and femininity are all one

Credited: Van Norman Law

Now how can we resolve such an issue? Unlike a corrupted political party, we can’t just remove them and replace new ones. Politicians took our money, but rapists took our dignity. Therefore, the first solution to overcome this issue would be to end impunity. In Malaysia, Section 376 of the Penal Code states that whoever commits rape shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to twenty years, and shall be liable to whipping. These rules are significant, but it is not enough. A person who has stolen no money, not diamonds, but someone’s virginity shouldn’t just be locked up in a prison. They should be hung to death or even get a life sentence. This would be a lesson for any other individual who tries to commit such a sin.

Credited: Illustration of victim-blaming. (Shutterstock/File)

The second way is to stop victim-blaming. As the famous criminologist Freda Adler said, rape is the only crime where the victim is blamed and not the rapist. Ever wondered why? Well, that’s because rape-affirming beliefs are embedded in our universal language. “She was asking for it when she wore that dress.” “She shouldn’t have worn that, it triggered some people.” “He drank too much, so he should have been more careful.” Phrases such as these are often put out in the name of saving many monsters. But people should understand that we live in a free society, and anyone has the right to wear anything they want. People who say that women should be covering up just because it distracts another man are basically telling women that they should be ashamed of their basic human anatomy. At this point, it should be the men that need to be changing the way they think, not a woman’s clothes. People should understand that legs, hands and even breasts are just the anatomy of a woman’s body and not something that should be sexualised as they please. Therefore, we should stop this culture right now.

Credited: Macca Spencer

Preventing is always better than curing; hence, the third solution is by educating the upcoming generation. It is undeniable that most schools do bring awareness about rape and sexual abuse. But it is not done in the most effective way. Textbooks and notes on how to prevent these things from happening are not the most practical way to educate on rape. Educators should step into their role and enlighten students on these matters in depth. Teaching them bad touch, good touch, or even showing them interviews on sexual abuse survivors will act as an eye-opener to students on this particular issue. Teachers can also use this opportunity to help students open up about their personal experiences in these issues. Educators should also keep in mind that all genders are actually facing this issue and prioritize both male and female students when discussing such topics. Moreover, teaching students martial arts can be a great way to overcome sexual abuse. Students will be able to feel confident and independent in handling situations as such. Thus, the education system should enhance its syllabus with effective teaching of sexual abuse.

Credited: Empathize This

The last solution to reduce rape cases around the world is to stop laughing at rape. A lot of people tend to use the word rape as a figure of speech. For example, people use it when they have been charged with too much money in a shop. They will say they got raped in the shop. Individuals should understand that rape is no joke. Utilising such words can often offend individuals, as they might be rape victims. Not just that, portraying rape in such a humorous manner can often lead other individuals to perceive rape as a joke. This can cause people to change their perception of rape and not take it seriously anymore. Which shouldn’t be happening in the first place. To an extent, I agree that rape should be openly spoken and break the taboos it has. But that should not incriminate the sensitivity and seriousness of rape. It should still be perceived as a serious topic and people should be aware of the risk and danger rape comes with.

Credited: www.therumpus.net

In a nutshell, there is never a permanent solution to stopping rape. The hunger for lust in humans will never come to an end. Unless we come together as one and stop feeding them. Starve them to death and burn them down to ashes. This will be the only way for humankind to lead a peaceful life in the next thousand generations.



Nine Weeks

My name is Jhanani S.Nagaraja a third-year BA (Hons) English with Education student and a passionate writer. Get to know my weekly mind shifts…